Orthophoto Indexes

All scales of orthophoto imagery are created using revision mapping breaklines and aerial photography.

To download index files, please visit the Geographic Data Directory.

To purchase the digital data files (GeoTIFF and mrSID which are available under restricted data use license) or paper maps, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

Topographic Indexes

1:10,000 Digital symbolized JPG/PDF plot files are free to download (see Help); for the vector files visit the Geographic Data Directory.

To purchase all other topographic data or paper maps available, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

1:10,000 Digital

Provincial wide digital map file made up of natural features (water bodies, topography, and forested areas) and cultural features (roadways, buildings, and administrative boundaries) which contains over 150 unique feature types.

1:10,000 Digital symbolized JPG/PDF plot files are free to download (see Help); for the vector files, visit the Geographic Data Directory; for paper maps, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

1:1,000 Digital

Legacy 1:1,000 dataset of contour and planimetric data in the Halifax, Dartmouth area from 1980s; available for purchase in dxf file format, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

1:2,000 Digital

Legacy 1:2,000 dataset of contour, planimetric, and delimiter data in select areas around the province from late 1980s – early 1990s; available for purchase in dxf file format, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

1:5,000 Digital

Legacy 1:5,000 dataset of contour, planimetric, and delimiter data mainly centered around highway 104 from the 1990s; available for purchase in dxf file format, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

1:1,000 Non-Digital

Historical 1:1,000 topographic mapping completed by the Council of Maritime Premiers of Halifax/Dartmouth, Bridgewater, Springhill, and Yarmouth from the late 1970s/early 1980s; for paper maps, PDF or georeferenced file, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

1:1,200 Non-Digital

Historical 1:1,200 NS Topographic Series mapping in select areas around the province from the late 1960s/1970s; for paper maps, PDF or georeferenced file, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

1:2,000 Non-Digital

Historical 1:2,000 topographic mapping completed by the Council of Maritime Premiers in select areas around the province from the 1970s/1980s; for paper maps, PDF or georeferenced file, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

1:2,400 Non-Digital

Historical 1:2,400 NS Topographic Series mapping in select areas around the province from the 1970s; for paper maps, PDF or georeferenced file, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

1:4,800 Non-Digital

Historical 1:4,800 NS Topographic Series mapping in select areas around the province from the 1970s; for paper maps, PDF or georeferenced file, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

1:5,000 Non-Digital

Historical 1:5,000 NS Topographic Series mapping in Strait of Canso area from 1970s and Antigonish area from the 1990s; for paper maps, PDF or georeferenced file, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

Aerial Photography

The aerial photo images are available historically from early 1960s to present day at various scales.

To purchase digital air photos or printed air photos, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

Nova Scotia Property Records Database (NSPRD)

Provincial dataset containing graphics (polyline) and attribution (ownership, assessment, etc.) of the property mapping in Nova Scotia created from Land Registration documentation such as deeds and surveys.

To purchase digital data, or request web map service, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

Management Units Index

An index used to order property data within a designated area containing 1,500 – 2000 parcels each.

To purchase digital management unit data, please email geoinfo@novascotia.ca or call (902) 667-7231.

Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB) Delimiter theme

This map service contains NSTDB Delimiter features such as Game Management areas, National Historic Sites, First Nations, Military Reserves, and Parks and Protected Areas. Provincial, County, and Municipal boundaries are not included in this layer as they are part of the NSTDB basemap map service.

License Information
Map Service URL
Nova Scotia Orthophotomap Database (NSODB) theme

Nova Scotia Orthophotomap Database (NSODB) map service created using the most current provincial resource series (1:10,000) colour aerial photography coverage in the UTM/NAD83 projection/datum.

License Information
Map Service URL